How To Burn Screens for Screen Printing

how to burn screens for screen printing

To burn screens for screen printing, you need a screen, a film positive, emulsion, a light source, and water. First, coat the screen with emulsion, let it dry, and then place the film positive on top of the screen.

Expose the screen to light, rinse it with water to remove the unexposed emulsion, and you’re ready to start printing. Screen printing is a popular method for printing designs on various surfaces such as fabric, paper, metal, and plastic. It provides vibrant and long-lasting prints, making it a preferred choice in the printing industry.

However, before you can start printing, you need to burn screens, which involves transferring the desired design onto the screen. We will discuss the step-by-step process of burning screens for screen printing, ensuring that you achieve accurate and quality prints every time. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of screen burning for screen printing.

Understanding Screen Burning Process

In screen printing, the process of burning screens is an essential step that directly affects the quality of the final print. Screen burning involves transferring a design onto a mesh screen, allowing ink to pass through the exposed areas and create the desired image. To achieve accurate and crisp prints, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the screen burning process.

Equipment Materials
Exposure unit Photosensitive emulsion
Light source (such as UV or LED) Screen mesh
Drying cabinet Film positive
Pressure washer or hose Chemicals (degreaser, emulsion remover)

The screen burning equipment typically includes an exposure unit, which emits a precise amount of light to cure the photosensitive emulsion. A light source, such as UV or LED, is essential for exposing the emulsion to create the stencil. Once the design is printed onto a film positive, it is placed onto the screen with emulsion-coated mesh and exposed using the exposure unit.

After exposure, the screen is washed to remove the uncured emulsion, leaving behind the stencil. This step is usually performed using a pressure washer or hose. To ensure successful screen burning, it is important to handle and store screens properly, as well as use high-quality materials, including emulsion and screen mesh.

Preparing The Artwork For Screen Burning

When it comes to screen printing, one of the crucial steps is preparing the artwork for screen burning. This process ensures that the design is accurately transferred onto the screen. The first step in this process is choosing suitable designs for screen printing. It is important to select designs that have clean lines and sharp edges for optimal printing results. Additionally, complex designs with fine details may require a higher mesh count screen to achieve the desired level of detail.
Once the design is selected, it needs to be converted into a digital format and separated into individual colors. This allows for better control during the screen burning process, ensuring accurate registration and color separation. In conclusion, preparing artwork and graphics for screen burning is a crucial step in screen printing. By choosing suitable designs and converting them into a digital format, you can achieve high-quality prints with clean lines and accurate colors.

Coating The Screen With Emulsion

To achieve an even and smooth emulsion coating for screen printing, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare your work area by ensuring it is clean and free from dust or debris.
  2. Secure the screen in place using clamps or a screen printing press.
  3. Apply a coat of emulsion remover to the screen, using a scoop coater or squeegee to spread it evenly.
  4. Allow the emulsion remover to sit for a few minutes, then rinse it off thoroughly with water.
  5. Dry the screen completely before moving on to the next step.
  6. Using a scoop coater, apply the emulsion in a smooth and even motion, starting from the bottom and working your way up.
  7. Repeat the process to ensure a thick and even coating of emulsion.
  8. Place the coated screen in a drying cabinet or leave it in a dark, dry area to dry for the recommended time.
  9. Once dry, expose the screen to UV light with your desired artwork or design to create the stencil.

Following these steps will help you achieve a well-coated screen that is ready for screen printing.

Exposing The Screen To Uv Light

Proper exposure time is crucial when burning screens for screen printing. Accurate exposure ensures that the stencil on the screen is well-defined and capable of producing sharp and detailed prints. To achieve optimal exposure, consider the following techniques:

Technique Description
Exposure Unit Invest in a high-quality exposure unit that provides consistent UV light exposure across the entire screen.
Test Strips Create test strips by exposing different sections of the screen for varying time periods. This helps determine the ideal exposure time for your specific setup and stencil.
Light Distance Position the light source at the recommended distance from the screen to ensure even exposure.
Timing Device Utilize a timing device to ensure consistent exposure time for each screen burning session.

By implementing these techniques, you can achieve accurate exposure of your screens for screen printing, resulting in high-quality prints with clear and precise designs.

Developing The Screen

In screen printing, developing the exposed screen is a crucial step that determines the quality of your prints. To properly develop the screen, follow these steps:

  1. Rinse the screen: Start by rinsing the screen from both sides with a gentle spray of water. This helps to remove any unexposed emulsion and residue.
  2. Inspect the screen: Examine the entire screen under a light source to check for any areas that may still have unexposed emulsion. If any areas are found, return the screen to the exposure unit for further exposure.
  3. Use a development solution: Fill a tray with a suitable development solution and submerge the screen. Gently agitate the screen in the solution, using consistent movements to ensure even development.
  4. Monitor the development: Keep a close eye on the screen during development. The emulsion should start dissolving away, gradually revealing the desired image. If the emulsion is not dissolving, increase the agitation or try a more concentrated development solution.
  5. Rinse and dry the screen: Once the desired image is fully revealed, rinse the screen thoroughly with water to remove any leftover development solution. Allow the screen to air dry in a clean, dust-free environment.

By following these steps, you can successfully develop the exposed screen and achieve optimal results in your screen printing process.

Finalizing The Screen For Printing

When it comes to burning screens for screen printing, finalizing the screen for printing is a crucial step. One of the initial steps in this process is degreasing and preparing the screen for printing. Inspecting the screen for any imperfections is another important task to ensure optimum printing results.

Tips For Maintaining Screens

Proper storage and maintenance of screens is crucial to ensure the longevity and quality of your screen printing projects. Here are a few tips to help you maintain your screens:

Proper Storage And Maintenance Of Screens

  • Store screens in a clean and dry environment to prevent the accumulation of dust and moisture. Dust particles can clog the mesh and affect print quality.
  • Clean screens after each use to remove any ink or emulsion residue. Use a screen degreaser and a soft brush or sponge to gently scrub both sides of the screen.
  • Inspect screens regularly for any signs of damage or wear. Replace screens with visible holes or tears as they can lead to unwanted ink leakage.
  • Keep screens away from direct sunlight as prolonged exposure can weaken the mesh and affect printing results.

Troubleshooting And Fixing Common Screen Issues

  • If you notice ink bleeding or smudging during printing, ensure that the screen tension is properly adjusted and the off-contact distance is maintained.
  • To fix image registration issues, use registration marks and adjust the placement of artwork on the screens.
  • If you experience uneven ink deposit, check the squeegee pressure and angle, as well as the consistency of ink viscosity.

By following these tips and troubleshooting common screen printing issues, you can achieve optimal results and prolong the life of your screens.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do You Burn A Screen For Screen Printing?

Burn times for screen printing vary based on factors such as ink, mesh count, and exposure unit power. Generally, screen burn times range from 45 seconds to 10 minutes. It is essential to conduct regular tests to determine the exact burn time needed for your specific setup.

How Long Does It Take To Burn A Screen In The Sun?

It takes varying amounts of time to burn a screen in the sun, depending on factors like screen type and sun intensity. However, in general, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for a screen to burn when exposed to direct sunlight.

How Long Does It Take To Burn Emulsion?

Emulsion burning time varies depending on the specific material and equipment used, typically taking a few minutes to an hour. Various factors, such as temperature and emulsion thickness, can influence the duration. It is recommended to follow the instructions provided by the supplier to achieve optimal results.

Why Isn’t My Screen Burning?

Your screen is not burning because screens are designed to withstand high temperatures. They are made with materials that are resistant to heat and can handle prolonged use without getting damaged or burning.


To conclude, burning screens for screen printing may seem intimidating at first, but with the right knowledge and techniques, it can be a rewarding process. Remember to carefully choose the type of emulsion, prepare the screen properly, and expose it correctly to ensure crisp and long-lasting printing.

By following these steps and refining your skills, you’ll be able to create stunning designs and bring your artistic visions to life through screen printing. Happy printing!


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